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Early Learner Social Media Toolkit

Early Learner South Dakota and its subsequent communities has the vision that all children have access to high-quality early learning experiences and environments to create a solid foundation for lifelong success.


This social media toolkit was created to help Early Learner Communities deliver a cohesive message across social media platforms. These posts were created intentionally to be used together (photo with text) and not be separated.


1. To use image:

     On Desktop: hover over the image and in the bottom, left corner, click the download icon.

     On phone: click the image. Then click on the download icon.

2. Copy and paste text

3. If you are including any organizations in your posts, please tag them (ex. @Early Learner South Dakota)

4. Include the hashtag #SoDakKidsMatter

Sample Post #1

What is an Early Learning Community? It is a community-driven grass roots effort bringing awareness and support to the importance of how access to a variety of early learning environments impacts our community’s future.


@Early Learner South Dakota is committed to its vision that all South Dakota children have access to high-quality early learning experiences and environments to create a solid foundation for lifelong success.


Learn more at



Sample Post #2

We are striving to spread awareness across South Dakota that all children need access to high-quality early learning experiences and environments to create a solid foundation for lifelong success.


@Early Learner South Dakota has put a HUGE effort in motion. Learn more at



Sample Post #3

FACT: There are 73,567 children under the age of 6 in South Dakota.


All children are the future of our community. They are the next generation of parents, workforce, and leaders. Data is clear.  Early access to quality learning for ALL children leads to healthier, thriving communities.


GET INVOLVED. Learn the facts and spread the word to everyone and anyone who is willing to listen.


Find the facts at


Sample Post #4

Make your voice heard for South Dakota children.


Change doesn't happen by itself. We need movers and shakers in every community who are in all walks of life to be catalysts for change.


Are you willing to take action in helping spread the word about the importance of Early Learning in YOUR community?


Find out how at


Sample Post #5

31,425 South Dakota children under the age of 18 live in poverty.


Our communities are strongest when all children have the opportunities they need to thrive. However, many disparities still exist for children of color in South Dakota. The reality for these children today has been shaped by generations of added barriers to economic and social resources. Among American Indian children in South Dakota, 60% live in poverty.


Education is a key stepping-stone to rising above poverty and pursuing a better life. Children who grow up in low-income families face more barriers to education than those that don’t.


Learn more about what @Early Learner South Dakota is doing to help improve early learning at


Resource: South Dakota KIDS COUNT


Sample Post #6

80% of South Dakota mothers with children under age 6 are working.


We know kids benefit from high-quality early learning. It is an essential way to prepare children for kindergarten, primary school and beyond.


Investing in our children at an early age pays social, educational, and economic dividends over the course of a child’s lifetime. Children deserve access to affordable high-quality education that promotes school readiness, regardless of their family situation.


Available child care is a must to keep these mothers and fathers in the SD workforce and continue to add to positive economic development growth.


Learn more about how you can help:


Sample Post #7

45,000 children (21%) do not have affordable housing, leaving less resources for other needs like food or gas.


Early childhood is the single-most prolific and crucial period of growth for children. For most children, the vast majority of brain development happens within the first 5 years. Children in poverty, however, frequently do not have access to the same educational and developmental resources as their counterparts from higher-income families during this vital time.


The Early Learner South Dakota Data Dashboard provides information on early learners, their families, and their learning environments in South Dakota. This data provides parents, policymakers, advocates, and community members with the information they need to turn insight into action for early learners in South Dakota.


Review the data here:


Resource: South Dakota KIDS COUNT.  #SoDakKidsMatter

Sample Post #8

17% of children in South Dakota do not have enough to eat.


Good nutrition is vital for brain development and learning in infancy and early childhood, and research has shown that food insecurity has a negative impact on children’s reading and mathematics performance. Children in early education and preschool programs who are hungry or are stressed about when they will next be able to eat will struggle to stay awake, focus and learn. Poor or insufficient nutrition has been shown to put children at a disadvantage in learning and school-readiness. (Resource: Center for the Study of Social Policy)


Review the data here:


Sample Post #9

High-quality early learning has a return-on-investment range of $5-$16 per child.


Savings result from lower remedial/special education costs, improved graduation rates and job opportunities, reduced incarceration rates, and more healthy life choices.


The first 3 years of life shape all the rest and represent the most rapid period of brain development, setting the stage for all future learning and life success. When we fail to support the healthy development of young children, beginning even before birth, and to ensure the physical and mental health of their parents, we limit opportunities for children to thrive and succeed.


Learn more about Early Learner South Dakota:



Sample Post #10

FACT: 64% of South Dakota 4th graders are not proficient readers.


Reading is a foundational skill. Children birth to third grade learn to read. Beginning in fourth grade, they are reading to learn.


Children who reach fourth grade without being able to read proficiently are more likely to drop out of high school, reducing their earnings potential and chances for success.


Resource: South Dakota KIDS COUNT



Sample Post #11

FACT: 44% of South Dakota children under the age of 6 are read to less than 4 times a week.


Families are a child’s first source of learning. For most children, the vast majority of brain development happens within the first 5 years. Beginning early is important because the roots of language are developing in a baby’s brain even before he can talk. The more words your baby hears over time, the more words he learns.


Some of the additional benefits to reading to your child are bonding, increased language skills, establishing routines, emotional learning, and setting up for school success.


Resource:  South Dakota KIDS COUNT



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