Change doesn't happen by itself. We need movers and shakers in every community who are in all walks of life to be catalysts for change.

Get involved!
Advocacy seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who cannot speak for themselves, are able to have their voice heard on issues that are important to them. Advocates defend and safeguard their rights and make sure their views and wishes are genuinely considered when decisions are being made about their lives.
Ways you can be an advocate
Give information - to everyone and anyone who is willing to listen! Need some help? Check out our Be Informed Page for stats and talking points.
Write to your local elected representative. Our Legislation Page has resources on how to find your legislators as well as how to plan a meeting with them.
Host a virtual congressional/legislative meetings or virtual round table. NAEYC has put together a timeline and to do list to help coordinate and track these efforts. View it here.
Join the movement! Much of this policy and advocacy work is happening within the Early Learner SD work. If you are interested in becoming involved, we can get you connected - contact us.
For more ideas, head to the National Association for the Education of Young Children website here.